domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009

Saying bad words might be helpful

A scientist has performed an experiment that indirectly tells us that sometimes it is a lot helpful to forget the good manners our parents have taught us and say bad words. They are helpful to alleviate pain and hate.

 Richard Stephens had some volunteers sink their hands in very cold water and told them they could swear as much as they wanted to. Then he did the same thing, but on the second time he did not allow them to swear. It turned out that when they swore they were able to stay 30 seconds more than when they had to stay quite. The conclusions was that saying bad words increases your heart beat and this way the perception you have of pain is minimized significantly. When we swear we stimulate emotions on the people we are saying it to and on our own selves, this is why our heart beat increases, because the heart beat is also an emotional response of our body. This way if we say bad words we stimulate more our emotional part and become more resistant to pain.

 Attention. Choose careful the moments when you will swear to minimize pain. Sometimes it will be better to feel pain quietly; the consequences of saying bad words might be bad.

2 comentários:

~*~Pammy~*~ disse...

I do agree that sometimes you just gotta swear. Some people just deserve it ;)

Arthur_Guasti disse...

Hauhauhau, so true. I always swear in karate and when I am in pain. It really heps aliviate, it should be motivated.