domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009

Saying bad words might be helpful

A scientist has performed an experiment that indirectly tells us that sometimes it is a lot helpful to forget the good manners our parents have taught us and say bad words. They are helpful to alleviate pain and hate.

 Richard Stephens had some volunteers sink their hands in very cold water and told them they could swear as much as they wanted to. Then he did the same thing, but on the second time he did not allow them to swear. It turned out that when they swore they were able to stay 30 seconds more than when they had to stay quite. The conclusions was that saying bad words increases your heart beat and this way the perception you have of pain is minimized significantly. When we swear we stimulate emotions on the people we are saying it to and on our own selves, this is why our heart beat increases, because the heart beat is also an emotional response of our body. This way if we say bad words we stimulate more our emotional part and become more resistant to pain.

 Attention. Choose careful the moments when you will swear to minimize pain. Sometimes it will be better to feel pain quietly; the consequences of saying bad words might be bad.

domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009

Tips for a brain full of Nutrients

Some things you should consider eating are:

- Everything that is rich in coline. Coline is present in egg's yolk mostly and is essential for neurogenese, which is the process of birth of new nervous cells. Also, if we do not eat the essential amount of coline our memory may be jeopardized or not formed correctly.

- An amino acid called glutamine is very important for DNA formation and the body can even produce this amino acid by itself, but it is not sufficient, this way we need to eat a lot of protein and again the biggest source for this nutrient are eggs.

- The omega 3 is irreplaceable for proper cerebral activity. This substance helps the formation of new neurons and protects the existing ones. Incredibly Omega 3 lowers anxiety and eliminates bad moods.

- Carbohydrates are also very essential because they are the fuel for our brains; they give us energy to think, while proteins help with the communication between neurons. So, never enter in a diet free of carbs, you should eat good amounts of carbs every day.

- It is important to consume everything that is rich in vitamin C because they clean the organism and frees it from any inappropriate material. Apples are very efficient in this case. Don’t forget that vitamin E is also very essential; it has been proved that it is directly linked with Alzheimer this way, the more you take the fewer the chances you have of contracting Alzheimer.

Never forget that a diet rich in all nutrients will increase your chances of being a healthy person always.

domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009

The Banana Diet

Yes. The Morning Bana diet, as it is called, will change your life!

It is very simple and very good at the same time. When you wake up in the morning, before eating or drinking anything at all, eat an entire banana and drink a cup of water. It is important to eat the pure banana, without heating it or mixing with other ingredients. After doing this you are free to eat anything you want except for sweets. The only thing you can do is by the end of the afternoon eat a small chocolate to take the salty taste from your mouth. The use of alcohol is not encouraged though the only thing you need to respect is to have dinner before 8 p.m. and be in bed before mid night. This is extremely important for the diet to work as expected. The most appealing fact of this diet is that there is no need for exercise. If the person likes doing exercise she can, but must be very careful not to stress the organism. This diet became so famous because it does not require too much effort; you can eat what you want and as much as you want. The banana is the focus of the diet for it is rich in resistant starch which is not absorbed by the large intenstine and therefore the person does not feel need to eat that much. It also increases the organism's ability to burn fat.

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009

Generating BIG muscles

Every time you want to have defined muscles- if you’re either a man or a woman- do the following: do all movements in a moderate to slow pace and stop for 2 min between the sets. This small pause gives time for the muscle to recuperate and this way the next set with be done with the same quality as the previous. However, if you want to have defined muscles but not large ones, the trick is to do the exercises in a moderate to fast pace and stop for only 1 minute between the sets. Always contract the muscles during the exercises. Now, if you want to loose weight, than you need to use heavier materials and stop for only 30 seconds between the sets, if you can manage to stop even less than 30 seconds your results will be even better. Always leave aerobic exercise for last because if you do it before, you will no longer have strength for anaerobic exercise; you will feel your body heavy and tired. It is also important to keep on modifying your exercises because as soon as your body gets used to it, you will no longer obtain the results you wanted. Never do only abdominal exercise if you wish to lose weight in that area because it won’t work; you need to do aerobic exercise as well with the cardiac frequency between 55% and 70% of its maximum. To verify if your training is really working, right after you have done any exercise you must feel your muscles, if they seem tired this means they have been working greatly. Lastly, a very important clue: never hold your breath because this will raise your arterial pressure; for the exercise to seem easier you need to expire through the mouth and release through the nose.