domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

A tip for pregnant women. A special for my adorable teacher, who happens to be pregnant.

The big myth about pregnant women has always been the uncontrollable wishes of eating something strange or eating a lot and the nauseas. Now, this can really be a myth for some lucky women who do not experience these nauseas...but for others it is a bitter reality. Interestingly, a scientist has found out that when women are pregnant they change passions like chocolate to eggplant, something that has long been hated. Others prefer to have a whole lemon than a whole chocolate bar. Here's the simple reason: the bitter foods decrease salivation leading to a decrease in nausea. If you were having some difficulties before, I wish that my new tip will help me....give me feedback afterwards Ms.

2 comentários:

Alisha Stafford Feitosa disse...

I'd never heard this explanation before. I'm fairly lucky and never had too much nausea. And though I don't have any really strong cravings, I did suddenly want to drink lemon soda or Pepsi (I almost never drink soda), and the other day I even felt like having a banana (a food I usually hate). They don't happen to sell salt and vinegar chips in Brazil, do they? That's one food I could go for right now . . .

P.S. Thanks for the sweet tips. :)


welcome Ms. it was nice to learn about this too.