domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

One week

Given that in one week I have to decide my future, this deserves a post. Exactly, in about 120 hours I need to enroll in a college, or decide that Brazil will make me happy enough and that I will spend six miserable months doing "cursinho" to enter a college. Now, what holds me here? My family. I am eighteen but still not independent at all emotionally, my mom is still the person I go to when nothing goes the way I wanted. My boyfriend, a wonderful person who has taught me lots, who is someone I would marry in my near future and who I really don’t want to lose. If things work on our side we can probably figure something out, but this is what I’m most afraid off. Living alone is probably haunting but still not what most hold me here. Now, knowing that I will live in one of the cities I consider fantastic, New York, is certainly a keeper. Knowing that I won’t lose time doing the "cursinho" and even having the chance of not entering a good college is AWESOME. Probably knowing that I can still apply to the college I really wanted to attend in Paris and that being already a second year student will help, is what pushes me THE MOST. Life’s not easy, and when we have options it becomes even harder. I hope that this tough decision will teach me new things and that I am able to choose something that will at the end be the most worthwhile thing. I hope that wherever I go to I will be happy and satisfied and that I won’t miss too much my mom and my dad or my boyfriend.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

A tip for pregnant women. A special for my adorable teacher, who happens to be pregnant.

The big myth about pregnant women has always been the uncontrollable wishes of eating something strange or eating a lot and the nauseas. Now, this can really be a myth for some lucky women who do not experience these nauseas...but for others it is a bitter reality. Interestingly, a scientist has found out that when women are pregnant they change passions like chocolate to eggplant, something that has long been hated. Others prefer to have a whole lemon than a whole chocolate bar. Here's the simple reason: the bitter foods decrease salivation leading to a decrease in nausea. If you were having some difficulties before, I wish that my new tip will help me....give me feedback afterwards Ms.

terça-feira, 6 de abril de 2010


As long as I have written posts I have never talked about myself and something specific that has changed or that I have learned to deal with. Fortunately, this weekend was a time to know myself better for various reasons and I would like to share this with my fellow readers. Ever since I'm in a relationship I thought we should always denounce to our partner when something is going wrong on our point of view or when we would like something to change. Every time I attempted to talk to my boyfriend about something he did that bothered me and that I would like him to change we began to fight. It was trying and it never ended with a good solution. This weekend things changed, for better. I learned that if I could just let it go, and ignore what he was doing and pretend it didn’t bother me, than our relationship would be a lot more tolerable. It worked. Things flowed better and you feel a lot better when you realize you were able to let small things pass by without making a huge deal about it. This is my tip: to be better with yourself and with your boyfriend or friend, allow things to pass unnoticed.