terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2010

BEST POST/ Category: Informative

Say No to the purple eye shadows
Are you sick and tired of the purple shadows under your eyes? Are you tired of having people ask you if you sleep well or if you have cried all night long, and none of those have happened? Well I have a couple of solutions for you. The first thing you should know is that everyone need good sleep every night. This means 8 hours or more per night! You may be 18 years old or 50 and this won’t change. Our body needs to rest, intensely for a minimum of 8 hours. Now this doesn’t mean that if you lay down in bed at 10 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m. that you have slept for 8 hours, you haven’t. The 8 hours of sleep only start counting when you have intensely fallen asleep, when you start having dreams, not when you shut your eyes trying to sleep!
Also, alcohol, smoking and stress really worsen the purple shadows. If you do this daily or even 3 times a week, get prepared to look 20 years older than you are! Now, if you have gone out to a party and drank a bit, smoked a bit I have a tip. The next morning prepare a very rich juice. Put as many fresh fruits you can and drink it with no sugar. This will help disintoxicate your body. Also, try to eat lots of fruits during the day.
Now, it is obvious that only this won’t make you end with the purple shadows, it will help and so will the under eye concealers. Go to a beauty store, there the professionals will help you to choose the best color. It should be the same color as your skin color and a creamy on, this way it will look natural. But, if your eye is purple and a bit yellowish probably you will need to mix two or three.
Never forget your sun block, they are essential. Even if you are only going to the grocery store and coming back home they are essential. Also it is good to put some ice and small sponges with chamomile tea to relax the skin.
Finally, never forget your lotions. The special ones for the eyes are rich in many vitamins and really help eliminating the purple shadows under the eyes.

domingo, 9 de maio de 2010

The Decision

Last week I had a cruel doubt, this week I have a clear decision. For several reasons, one of them being the large amount of money one has to pay to study in the USA, my parents and I have decided that it would be better if I stayed in Brazil. At first, I found it perfect that my parents agreed with what I agreed, but then some other doubts appeared in my mind. I was suddenly (still am) afraid of the monsters called "cursinho" and "vestibular". I started thinking that I am not as prepared as Brazilians who study in Brazilian schools are for the "vestibular" and yet I am afraid of not being able to follow the "cursinho". Now here's what comforts me. The idea that I can possibly enter the university of Recife, one of the only two that offer political science as a major, and live right next to my boyfriend who happens to live in Recife. Then, I will also apply to universities in Switzerland and retry my options in France. At the end I believe my options will be even wider and I will have another cruel decision. I do believe, however, that God knows what to do and I trust Him. I do need to give a shot to every side, and here I go.